Orange and purple struts are natural extensions to the Zometool system. Here are some of the more interesting designs they allow.
The first is an accurate 4D->3D perspective projection of the 24-cell, a four-dimensional polytope. The projection has cubic / octahedral symmetry.

Next we have an unusual design with chiral octahedral symmetry, by Brian Hall. You can see elements related to the snub cube, an Archimedean solid.

Brian Hall also designed this model of a cubic surface, which remarkably contains a number of infinite straight lines, though it is not a ruled surface overall.

Steve Rogers is one of the original designers of the Zometool system. Years ago he discovered this hyperbolic paraboloid, a ruled surface using green and blue Zometool lines. Happily, it also contains purple lines.

With any color of strut in the Zometool system, one can construct a number of zonohedra using just that color. Here is the largest zonohedron constructible with purple struts.

This lovely “tangle” is another design by Brian Hall.

There are many other designs that use orange and purple struts, and some that are well suited to a single length of 3D-printed struts.
Here is one final design that deserves its own page.