Tetrahedral Cluster of Dodecahedra
Posted on October 4, 2014
Four regular dodecahedra don't really fit around a point like this, except in four dimensions.
Posted on June 5, 2014
This is the largest zonohedron possible using Zometool.
Stanford Bunny in Zome
Posted on April 30, 2014
In 2014 Henrik Zimmer generated a Zometool rendering of the Stanford bunny... two actually.
Perspective Projections of the 120-Cell
Posted on September 12, 2010
Perspective projections of the 4D 120-cell to 3D, with different camera distances
The Golden Ratio Lattice
Posted on July 19, 2010
When viewed in an orthographic projection, this demonstrates how all vertices of the shape fall on a golden ratio lattice.
No-Twist Green Tangle
Posted on September 28, 2008
A simple Zometool design by Brian Hall. Look for the vertices of four triangular prisms that pass through the center.
Affine-Regular 120-Cells
Posted on May 25, 2007
A sampling of squashed / stretched 120-cells that require minimal additions to the Zome directions.
Affine-Regular Pentagons and New Zome Systems
Posted on May 23, 2007
An infinite collection of Zome-like systems can be derived by applying affine transformations to Zome vectors.
The 5-Cell and its Family
Posted on April 24, 2007
A 3D design created in vZome. Use your mouse or touch to interact.
Near-Goldberg Polyhedron In Orange
Posted on September 23, 2006
This is near-miss for a Goldberg polyhedron, as described by Schein and Gayed in 2014.